Vocational/Craft Training


Craft Training Program for Women

At Samarpit Sewa Sansthan we go by the conviction that real empowerment of the weaker sections of the community can be done by increasing employability of the unemployed and enhancing their skill and knowledge about craft and its business aspects. Such empowerment generates confidence and brings in social equity, status and honour especially for women.

Vocational Program

It is a well known fact that the problem of unemployment is seriously felt among prospective educated and uneducated youths. In order to find solution to this gigantic problem a number of schemes have been started. Institutional financial support and job oriented training program during year 2013-14 of are worth mentioning in this context.In order to boost livelihood measures for the youth, especially the women belonging to deprived and marginalized sections of society, simple jobs and skill training in stitching of wears for woman and children involving cutting and tailoring are imparted. It has been noted that women who have been harassed, physically and mentally tortured, divorcees and young girls have shown a great deal of interest and need in this program.

In view of the above, Samarpit Sewa Sansthan (SSS) has created a setup with provision of work-shop, master trainers, various accessories and tools to handle the program in a result-oriented and efficient manner. About 450 women have been trained in various trade and very often they visit SSS to seek counsel regarding starting their own business enterprises. We at SSS consider it our solemn duty and obligation to society at large to guide and help and enable them to become and economically sound.

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Govt. of India extended financial support through Social Welfare Board for craft training program for disadvantaged sections. This organization provides training in various crafts viz. cutting, tailoring and patches work to the adolescents, girls and women. Samarpit Sewa Sansthan provides guidance to the beneficiaries in their post-training period to link them to banks for granting soft loans to start their own units on commercial lines. During 2013-14, fifty women have been trained in cutting, tailoring and patchwork from the backward sections of the society under this program. Out of 50 trainees, 31 are presently self employed and 19 got employed in units owned by others, The program is currently being implemented effectively under aegis of Samarpit Sewa Sansthan, Dehradun.