Empowerment Program for Women

Vegetable and Flower Cultivation

Fruit processing by hill women JSS Chamoli has promoted a program on fruit production, processing and marketing. The farmer groups, mainly women are involved in the activities through the women self help groups (SHG) and are successful in selling the product direct to the consumers. The produce of these self help groups were displayed in the local Gaucher and Pipalkoti fair.

Empowerment of women is one of the central issues in the process of development of countries all over the world. Our constitution has conferred and guaranteed equality before law, universal adult franchise and equal opportunities for men and women as fundamental rights.

The imperative of gender partnership in matters of development been recognized. In order to give a fillip to empowerment of women and appropriate institutional mechanisms and interventions have been consciously built into the development design. Empowerment is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional and multi-layered concept. Women´s empowerment is a process in which women gain greater share of control over resources - material, human and intellectual like knowledge, information, ideas and financial resources like money - and access to money and control over decision-making in the home, community, society and nation, and to gain ´power´. SSS also promote the self help groups (SHGs). Through JSS we make large number of SHGs and all help also give to those SHGs which is actively participated in all programs of Jan Shikshan Sansthan. In the course of framing the programs for rural women workers especial attention is laid on the need based and resource based training with a view to strengthen their range of knowledge as well as promoting the economic self reliance. The progress achieved is reported as follows:

Income Generation Activities Income generating program clubbed with literacy promotion programs are being organized on a small scale. Keeping this in view, the JSS has extended its activities to post training assistance through setting up of livelihood centres, where the participants are supposed to enjoy the profit of their work by keeping the capital in a cash or kind mode for further production.

With the program conducted in the areas of continuing education centre the benefit of neo literates the JSS has initiated some livelihood centres such as for candle, ringal basket, carpets, and soft toys making and decorative items made up of thermocol.

The institution and agencies with which the JSS Chamoli will attempt to seek the collaboration in this financial year include: Women & Child Development Department, Panchayati Raj Institutions, Industries Department, Director of Handicrafts etc. of Government of Uttarakhand, District rural development Agency (DRDA), Chamoli, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), State Resource Centre (SRC) Uttarakhand, Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), Self Help Groups (SHGs), Community Based organizations (CBOs), etc.